Ella // Maine Senior Portraits

When we were brainstorming locations for Ella’s senior photos, I listed out a few of my ideas in the Portland area. I was thinking of some woodsy spots, some beachy stretches. Then, I suggested “What about Mackworth Island?” Something about it felt special. I could tell she felt the same. “Let’s do it,” she said.

Senior portraits are always very special to me. It’s oftentimes their first experience with professional photography, and there is something nerve-wracking and exciting about that to these kiddos that is fun to see. And, it’s such a milestone moment in their lives: graduating high school and moving away from home! It’s a huge turning point for most people – the start of profound self-discovery and independence.

But, with Ella, this was even more near and dear to my heart. I’ve known this beautiful young lady and her sister Ruby since they were babies. While we aren’t really related, I consider us to be. I’ve spent hours at holiday parties with the two of them, choreographing dance routines to Bruno Mars hits. In the summertime, we would race each other in the pool and have underwater handstand contests. Every time I come home to Maine, I always make sure to see them. I’m always wanting to know how they’re doing, how they’re changing.

When I look at Ella now, so beautiful, so mature, so kind, I think back to seeing her waddle in a diaper to the Christmas tree where she shook presents to hear what was inside and I’m amazed at the person she’s become. For her senior photo session, we met at her grandparent’s house, a special place to the both of us. It was a perfect Maine day – sunny and warm with a cool ocean breeze.

After roaming the lovely yard, we hopped in the car to drive to nearby Mackworth Island. With intriguing beaches and a pleasant trail around its circumference, there was plenty of beauty for us to explore. As we wandered the island, Ella and I talked about our summers. High school. Friends. Boyfriends. College. It was wonderful to just be together on that beautiful island evening.

For our last photos, we had finished the trail and were back at the road to the island. The sun had sighed its way under the horizon, leaving a very West-Coast-sky backdrop. Ella looked across the water and I just marveled at her. At who she has been, who she is, and the many fabulous things she could become.